HBP: Discrepancy with timeline, help
josturgess at mooseming.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 17 19:33:11 UTC 2005
Spoiler space
spoiler space
Spoiler space
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spoiler space
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Amanda Geist" <editor at t...>
In GoF, in the scene we see in the Pensieve, Dumbledore tells the
"Severus Snape was indeed a Death Eater. However, he rejoined our
BEFORE LORD VOLDEMORT'S DOWNFALL and turned spy for us, at great
risk." (590-591) (emphasis mine.)
Weelll I read this as before Voldy's disempowerment ie before he
went wraith like.
However I *do* have a problem with the whole interruption thing, did
Trelawney stop whilst Sevvy was manhandled and the just pick up
after he'd gone or what? Sevvy only heard part of the prophecy but
was pushed into the room and presumably interrupted Sybil, did the
rest of the prophecy follow after the adverts?
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