Resident Classicists

fritter_my_wig eloiseherisson at
Mon Jul 18 11:35:57 UTC 2005

> PoA:
> Mobiliarbus = levitate tree
> Mobilicorpus = levitate unconscious person
> OoP:
> Locomotor trunk = levitate trunk
> I think it should be Mobili-something but struggling with on-line
> English->Latin dictionaries was No Help.

Even more irritatingly, Locomotor Mortis is the leg-locker curse, but 
at least this inidates that the Locomotor bit is used in more than 
one spell to indicate movement.

But if spells are invented, then perhaps it is the inventor who 
decides on the form of words and consistency isn't absoluely 
necessary. Begs the question why she didn't just say 'Locomotor 
tree', though. I mean how often do you go around moving trees 
(perhaps it's a landscape gardening spell). Perhaps there are spells 
which are more or less interchangeable.


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