[the_old_crowd] Re: Innocent question

Penny & Bryce pennylin at plinsenmayer.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jul 19 00:00:27 UTC 2005

Hi --

Just noting quickly, in response to the "Gleam" issue:

Amy Z C notes:

<<<<I think that's true, and although it might be possible to destroy a 
quasi-spirit wandering the wilds of Albania, it's a lot easier to 
find it once it's embodied.  But that can't be why Dumbledore gleams, 
because then he'd gleam at the news that Voldemort got a body--and 
that isn't what does it.  It's something about Harry, or blood, or 
Harry's blood.>>>>>>>>>

We know there *is* something special about Harry's blood, from Dumbledore's perspective, since he makes at least 2 references to Harry blood being "more valuable" than his own, and he doesn't allow Harry to voluntarily shed any blood.  That points up yet again that there's something going on there I think.  What it is though, I can't say.  

And, even if I did hazard a guess, I rather think the lot of you would be guffawing to yourselves, since my successful prediction rate seems to have plummeted to about zero after HBP.  I'll comment further later in a more detailed review.  


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