OT: Why I shall be silent for a while
Aberforth's Goat / Mike Gray
aberforthsgoat at aberforths_goat.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jul 19 09:35:00 UTC 2005
Richard wrote,
> I've just had the wind completely blown out of my sails.
> What are the chances? I've just discovered from browsing a couple
of news
> sites that I used to know one of the confirmed victims of the
> bombing. VERY well, over a period of about 10 years. I can't say we
> friends (at various points, quite the opposite), but Giles Hart was
a great
> bloke.
> One of the ironies ("tragedies" would be a better word) is that one
of the
> contexts in we knew each other was activism against the Soviet
> of Afghanistan...
> There's no way on earth I could possibly consider thinking about
> battles between good and evil for the foreseeable future.
Go in peace, Richard.
Just one thought: reading about the kind of man he was and the kind
of things he lived for; and comparing that with the kind of death he
died - it all reminded me of a book I just read. In fact, it makes me
think hard about the kind of lives and deaths *it* narrates, and
about related things like politics and war and hatred and violence
and love and forgiveness. And, somehow, I think if there were more
people who would read books like that thoughtfully, there might be
more lives, and fewer deaths, like his.
The Prophet Isaiah once said something I would like to wish to that
kind of book: "So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it
shall not return to me empty."
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