HBP - spoilers - Is it on the cards?

fhmaneely fmaneely at fhmaneely.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jul 19 12:10:02 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, Barry Arrowsmith 
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> I'LL
>      BE
>          GLAD
>                  WHEN
>                              WE
>                                  DON'T
>                                              NEED
>                                                          TO
>                                                                  DO
>   THIS
>           ANYMORE
>                               WON'T
>                                           YOU?
Apologies for snipping....
> There's another of the major arcana that has been represented 
> a fashion) in the last two books - The Hanged Man. Unlike usual  
> hangings, this one is upside down, suspended by his feet (or more  
> usually one foot). Though this one doesn't fit quite so readily - 
> usually indicates that the obvious approach to a problem is not 
> best, that restraint and patience will provide a more successful  
> conclusion.
> Could all be coincidence of course, though those that are 
> for this sort of thing will doubtless find other possible 
> in the deck - The Hierophant; The Wheel of Fortune; Death; The  
> Magician; The Fool - I should say that the card name is not always 
> obvious indication of the meanings that can be taken from it - The  
> High Priestess for example is not about anything particularly 
> - it's potential, the need to look for the hidden or obscure.
> But still - it's interesting that something I'd nearly forgotten  
> about *might* have
> some small applicability to HP.
> Kneasy

I think the how you interpret the upside down hanged man is very 
applicable. Don't you think this applies to Harry?  He really needs 
to learn how to down shift and think things through.....

The hidden and obscure represented by the High Priestess,IMHO, would 
apply to Harry searching for the remaining horcrocks (the-thing-whose 
name-we-hate)  You are a clever boy, Kneasy! 


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