HBP interview

nrenka nrenka at nrenka.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jul 19 17:50:08 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Amanda Geist" <editor at t...> 
> Potioncat:
> There once was a Master of Potions
> Who followed his vengeful notions.
> He'd sneer and he'd snark
> He'd lurk in the dark,
> Thus, inflaming the readers' emotions.
> Amandageist:
> And also a headmaster wise
> Who let all that meanness disguise
> The potion-man's task--
> Quite handy, to mask
> The truth behind their enterprise.
> Nora:
> > 
> > Heh, no help *here*:
> > 
> > There's an important kind of redemptive pattern to Snape
> > 
> > JKR: He, um, there's so much I wish I could say to you, and I 
> > because it would ruin. I promise you, whoever asked that 
> > can I just say to you that I'm slightly stunned that you've said 
> that 
> > and you'll find out why I'm so stunned if you read Book 7. That's 
> all 
> > I'm going to say.
> But she says book *7*. Did she move Dumbledore's death "up" a book? 
> We have not yet seen what she's referring to; there's more of the 
> pattern to come.

Saying book 7 makes sense, though.  We get The Dastardly Deed in book 
6, but we dunno what to make of it.  Redemption or damnation will 
come in the fallout, in our Book Seven Epic Quest.  She might be 
stunned that we thought of Snape as needing redemption because we've 
guessed (this is, like, 1999 and pre-GoF) that Snape is a former DE 
and has done naughty things, or she might be stunned because we've 
hit upon her ultimate plan for the character, which involves 
murdering the Headmaster.

The sneakiness is strong with this one.

-Nora resists the temptation to put on Parsifal and sing about 
redemption, as someone mentions it ever 30 seconds in the opera

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