HBP: This and that

Trina triner918 at triner2001.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jul 19 18:24:36 UTC 2005

a shame!

I managed to read HBP in a 24 hour period with a few interruptions (a 
4 hour drive was the biggie)and am now in my 1st re-read.

My immediate thought after finishing it (and mopping up from my 
blubs) was "Dammit!  When are these people actually going to start 
listening to Harry and taking him seriously?" He has repeatedly 
proven himself in the last 5 years (as Dumbledore himself admitted in 
OoP) and they still tend to blow him off.  Yes, he absolutely 
despises Draco Malfoy (at first on principle since he was reminded of 
his cousin Dudders and then on experience) but everything pointed to 
Malfoy, Jr being up to something.  And Harry was the one who got 
Daddy bunged into Azkaban...  Hello, bells should be going off.  

I've also never trusted Snape, despite Dumbledore's repeated 
insistence that he was trustworthy.  However, have you noticed that 
while Albus has stated that he would trust Hagrid with his life, he 
has *never* said that about Snape?  Apropros of what?  Something, I'm 
sure.  I didn't read the scene on the tower as Albus asking for Snape 
to kill him, but I am only in the second reading.  I know he made the 
Unbreakable Vow, which meant he'd die if he broke it.  I thought of 
PoA when Sirius bellowed at Petticrew, "Then you should have died!  
Died rather than betray your friends. As we would have done for you!" 
Because he certainly won't be trusted by anyone in the Order now, 
regardless if he is still "on the side of angels".  He killed Albus 
Dumbledore, quite a blow for the Order and quite a help for Voldy and 
his minions.  I'm also not too fussed with Dumbledore's eyes being 
closed.  He could have shut them when Snape was saying the 

I was glad there was more humor this go round. Harry's levitating Ron 
out of bed had me in kinks of laughter.  

Why didn't Harry tell anyone (other than Hermione and Ron) that 
Malfoy was going for the Cruciatus curse when he Sectrasempra'd him? 

When did Malfoy get the Hand of Glory?  In CoS he looked at it and 
asked Daddy for it, but it was not purchased at the time.  When was 
it bought and how do HHR know he has it? 

Why is that foul Umbridge woman still at the MoM?  And what 
unmitagated gall it took for her to show up at the funeral! 

I'm sure I'll have other thoughts and questions later...


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