Hanged Man!! Re: HBP - spoilers - Is it on the cards?

Amanda Geist editor at mandolabar.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jul 19 20:25:31 UTC 2005

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> Talisman, thanking Kneasy for the heads-up:
> And, one of my favorite interpretations of the Hanged Man:
> "The Hanged Man represents reversal of view. The significance of 
> this card is that everything isn't as it appears to be on the 
> surface. The man appears to be hanging but in fact he is in perfect 
> control and balanced and centered within himself. He sees all of 
> others with their problems and the error in their ways.  They look 
> at him as though he is upside down, when in fact, he has perfect 
> vision." 
>  (Oh, Snape <veg>)
> Yes, Snape is our Hanged Man in OoP.  The ideas of sacrifice, 
> control, hidden truth, and willingness to have others think bad of 
> you, etc. all fit.

I said this just a minute ago, but I had another thought: is anyone 
else (of the characters we know) clearly identified as the 
author/inventor of a spell? The "hanged man" spell, that dangles you 
by one foot that way, is identified by him, as his own work.

I remember noticing what seemed a subtle emphasis that this spell 
gets you by *one ankle.* With the rest of the hanged man's 
interpretation--what a perfect fit.


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