thoughts on Snape and those horseducks

eloise_herisson eloiseherisson at
Tue Jul 19 21:31:25 UTC 2005

Nitwit, oddment, blubber, tweak 
Nitwit, oddment, blubber, tweak 
Nitwit, oddment, blubber, tweak 
Nitwit, oddment, blubber, tweak 
Nitwit, oddment, blubber, tweak 
Nitwit, oddment, blubber, tweak 
Nitwit, oddment, blubber, tweak 
Nitwit, oddment, blubber, tweak 
Nitwit, oddment, blubber, tweak 

> 3 thoughts here:
> 1) Snape remembers a small boy crying and a man with a hooked nose 
> yelling at a cowering woman.  > 
> Hmm.  Wouldn't Harry have specified if the man with the hooked nose 
> were wearing Muggle clothes?  Toby Snape, as a Muggle wouldn't be 
> wearing Wizard clothes.  Maybe Eileen is being yelled at by her 
> father.  <snip>
> Thoughts?

Very similar to yours. I agree; I wondered the same thing myself.
Of course, with the stuff about how depression can suppress your 
magical abilities, I guess it could be Papa Snape, but yes, the 
clothing is potentially an issue. OTOh it could have been 
conveniently overlooked. ;-)

> 2)  Herm says that the handwriting looks like a girl's.  The book 
> 50 years old.  Maybe Eileen wrote the potion stuff in it, which is 
> why they don't recognize the handwriting.  Perhaps Snape added in 
> spells and to whom the book belongs.  They could have very similar 
> handwriting, which, since it is small and cramped makes it hard to 
> distinguish.  My dad and I have very similar handwriting, which is 
> why we both print.  No one can read it.

In conversation with someone earlier today, I was speculating 
something similar. That the Book was not originally Eileen's but 
Lily's (the book isn't 50 years old, that's the publication date - 
presumably everyone else's books will have the same date). That's why 
Slughorn compare's Harry's ability to hers, not to Snape's whose 
style he ought to have recognised. But again, they're his *spells*. 
Suggsting some kind of connection between Snape and Lily is virtually 
canonical these days (much as I've always fought against it). The 
inscription was written by Lily when she gave it to him - the Half-
Blood Prince was her nickname for him. I really can't see him being 
proud enough of his status to use it as a title, but as a teasing 
description of one who regarded his half-blood as superior to her own 
comletely Muggle heritage, it would be appropriate, as would writing 
it at the bottom of the inside back cover. And it would be so JKR to 
mislead us like that by having him say 'the HBP is me and those are 
my spells' - nothing about the Potions.

BTW, where's the reference to Snape's cramped handwriting? I'm blowed 
if I can remember. Given that these are additional notes in a text 
book, however, the handwriting would be *bound* to be cramped.

> 3)  If LV discovers that some of his horcruxes are destroyed (he 
> certainly knows about the diary-he gave LM hell for it) what is to 
> stop him from making more?  He is a pretty accomplished murderer.  
> All he'd have to do is pop into 98-year-old Muggle Mildred 
> apartment, AK her (poor gal, high cholesterol), nick her toenail 
> clippers, make a horcrux and POOF!  He's got a new horcrux and a 
> set of toenail clippers to boot.  Not bad for a day's work.  And no 
> one would know.  

Except that his soul is already divided into seven. I doubt you could 
go on dividing down that remaining seventh into smaller and smaller 
pieces without causing damage.


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