Peter again was Re: HBP various responses and thoughts

pippin_999 foxmoth at
Tue Jul 19 23:01:14 UTC 2005

> > no one ever explains *how* he did it -- if Voldemort 
> > knew a spell that would kill everyone within twenty feet of
himself, don't you think he'd use it to perpetrate a few  mass 
Muggle  killings  now he's back? 
> > 
> > Instead he's got to resort to blowing up bridges and setting 
giants  loose --In the words of the immortal Nero Wolfe, pfui!

> The Dark Lord has many weapons.  But how does anything you're 
saying  suggest that a different person is the ESE one?  *Someone* 
knows how  to blow a big crater in the street.  People used to think
it was  Sirius, and maybe he was capable of it.  Or it could be
could  be Voldemort, could be Lupin, could be all three, could be 
every  witch or wizard who's ever passed her/his Charms NEWT.

No it couldn't. Harry's amazed that anyone could kill thirteen people
with one curse. And he's a third year by that time.
It wasn't ordinary, even for the WW. Even the killing curse only
takes people out one at a time.

The Muggles thought it was a gas explosion, and I'm
pretty sure they were right, but one that was touched off by a failed
AK. Pettigrew wouldn't want to AK himself, and how could he set off
an explosion spell and not be caught by the blast? Unless he 
transformed just *before* it went off -- but then he couldn't have 
caused it,  could he.

> LOL!  OK, folks, this is a binding magical contract (since it
appears  on TOC, after all):  If Lupin confesses to being ESE I will 
 personally grovel onlist to Pippin.  After the mourning period is 
over, of course.

Awww -- and if he doesn't, I will grovel to you.


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