[the_old_crowd] The AK (was: My HBP Review)

Constance Vigilance constancevigilance at constancevigilance.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jul 21 12:53:49 UTC 2005

> Pippin:
> Read carefully the description of Dumbledore's body.
> Does it sound
> like he died of AK to you?
> We saw the AK leave Snape's wand, hit DD square in
> the chest, **and
> blow him off the Astronomy tower** onto the ground
> many feet below. I
> believe the Hogsmeade medical examiner, if there was
> one, would find a
> variety of post-mortem injuries. Finding none is
> what would be
> unbelievable. I've seen fall deaths. I think JKR
> wrote the description
> of the murder in a way designed, for once, to be
> unmistakable.

Furthermore, Harry's curse didn't relax until after
Dumbledore went over the parapet. If the AK had killed
him outright, the curse would have relaxed then. The
AK did not kill Dumbledore.

I think Snape's "wiggle room" is that we don't know
exactly what Draco had committed to do. We assume that
his task was to kill Dumbledore. If so, then the
Unbreakable Vow would have required Snape to kill
Dumbledore. But what if the task was something else?
Like, "Draco, you must AK Dumbledore". In that case,
Snape has fulfilled the requirements of the Vow and
still not killed Dumbledore. I think another clue is
the fact that Snape was reluctant to enter into the
third part of the vow. We see a flinch in the hand
lock with Narcissa begins to speak for the third time.
Snape doesn't know what she is going to ask. He also
takes a moment before he agrees. Time to cross his
fingers behind his back? I don't know.

But one thing we do know. Snape's AK did not kill


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