[the_old_crowd] Non-HBP spoiler, was (SHIP: Oh, my.)

Parker Brown Nesbit pbnesbit at harpdreamer.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jul 21 14:09:43 UTC 2005

Just in case...

Catherine wrote:
>Anyway, I am totally "shocked and appalled" by the shipping content of That 
>Interview.   I can't
>believe that Emerson and Melissa acted in such a juvenile, gloating way.  I 
>can understand them
>being high spirited due to circumstance of interviewing JKR and all, and 
>being R/H shippers as
>well, clearly, but the way they handled it....and I think Emerson's apology 
>over using the word
>"delusional" makes things worse.

How old are these people?  They sound like they're about 10 (my apologies to 
any 10 year olds out there).
>I know JKR tries to distance herself from what he is saying, but I think 
>she's being a little
>disingenuous as well.  To talk about "anvil sized hints" with regard to R/H 
>is fair enough, but
>she's missing out the fact that as a very mischievous writer who is often 
>unable to give a clear
>unambiguous answer to *anything*, she is unable to resist making it less 
>clear cut.  H/H hints
>abound as well - it is *never* made crystal clear until well after the 
>first 200 pages of HBP.  Up
>until that point, I would have said the most likely outcome was Penny's 
>FITD.  It is obvious how
>Ron feels, but not Hermione.

'Anvil-sized hints' ??!! Where?  Did we read the same book?  I've seen 
nothing in any of the books that's an anvil-sized hint for R/H.
>I am quite happy with G/H, always being a Ginny defender, and I've always 
>been less pro H/H than
>anti R/H which really rankles with me, but I'm quite upset about the way in 
>which people's
>feelings have been trampled on in this interview.  It's verging on cruel, 
>and I'm really feeling
>for my H/H shipping friends right now.

Thanks, Catherine.  I can live with G/H, since I rather like Ginny (she was 
one of the best things about OotP, IMO, along with Neville).

I'm thinking a whole lot less of JK right now.  Seems to me that she stooped 
to their level, and IMO, that ain't cool.

Parker, haven't finished the book yet, but I've read ahead ;)

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