Some (once private) thoughts on HBP/relationships/Snape's background
willsonkmom at
Fri Jul 22 14:16:46 UTC 2005
"...the delicate
power of
that creep
through human
bewtiching the
ensnaring the senses..."
I don't know
about the rest of you
but I'm
spaced out.
Kneasy wrote:
> Isn't it amazing that everything seems to be centering around Snape?
> With Harry we're wondering "how will he do it?" - fascinating
> but at least we're not spending acres of board space on the
> of who and what he is.
> This married staff-members question that Jo has pointedly refused to
> answer while allowing that it does throw light on what's going on,
> got to be clues somewhere (he said hopefully, trying hard to forget
> of the strokes Jo has pulled already). But once it was announced
> neither Lily nor Harry were related to DD most fans lost any
> interest.
> Snape as DD progeny (1st or 2nd generation) or even, as I've
> to you off-site, uncle-nephew (Aberforth taking centre-stage at
> does have a certain piquancy. Additionally, a 'mudblood' as Head of
> Slytherin House doesn't really compute, either. Mind you, our
> could have married more than once - first to an as yet unknown
> second time to this Muggle bloke. In which case the 'Half Blood
> could be an ironic expression of disgust for his mothers tastes,
> as it would on Snape's perceived status among the Slytherins.
Well, Severus's birth comes after the marriage to Tobias Snape, so I
don't think two marriages would work. Unless there's a reason
Hermione says "later" instead of "a year later". And it wouldn't have
been Eileen Prince getting married but Eileen Malfoy...or some such.
How are wedding announcements handled in Britain? In America they are
written by the bride's family and submitted to the paper. Some go
into great detail about the dress, the families, bios on the bride
and groom, a list of attendants, career and home plans.
Hermione states that it's a short announcement. So, did the family
feel the need to announce the wedding even if they didn't approve? I
wonder at the wording that allowed Hermione to know the groom was a
Muggle? And does that mean the groom knew he was marrying a witch?
Was anyone else mentioned as being at the wedding? Wouldn't Eileen
and Minerva be about the same age? Hmmm, would Eileen and Gram
Longbottom be about the same age too?
According to my dictionary, Eileen is Irish for Helen and Helen
means "light" or "a torch" and Tobias means "God is good". Doesn't
sound like a Dark Arts house, does it? Of course it doesn't sound
like the couple in Snape's memory either. And of course Lucius
means "light" too.
Well, at least now we know Agnes wasn't waiting for a visit from
Kathy W. (what do you mean, who's Agnes?)
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