ranty catty replies

ewe2 ewe2 at ewe2_au.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 24 13:15:37 UTC 2005

refuse me
some emails
and not
I am
every day
discovering replies
to emails
I have not read.
at last?

Ms Catlady declaimed in

<< Maybe he was loved, albeit inefficiently, by his abusive father. >>

Ah but we have not sufficient proof of that, I believe. Ginger has made a very
good point that the "abuse" is something we may have assumed. We really don't
know anything much about that Pensieve scene at all.

Amy Z chimed in with

<< Her lapse is partly explained by romance and the ways we tend to bend the
rules for those we love. ...Harry would never cheat to win a match. Unlike her,
he takes Quidditch much too seriously for that. >>

Which is irony no. 1 for these two. Harry doesn't hesitate to cheat in the
"Real World" outside of Quidditch. For Hermionie school is her sacrosanct
Quidditch. But I have made noise in previous emails about her controlling
tendencies. When you attempt to control the people around you, particularly
those closest to you, it's about security, not love. Then again, compared to
the control-freaks around her, perhaps she's the "first-stage" example of a

Amandageist in

<< TWO--All this, then, means to me that there's a memory in a bottle
somewhere that shows that ironclad reason that so convinced Dumbledore. I
predict the existence of this, and that Harry will see it in Book 7, and it
will show him the truth; in a form he cannot argue with, from a source he
cannot disbelieve. >>

Possibly. But it seems too tidy, too 'deux ex machina' for me. Harry finds
out, noone else believes him until a climactic confrontation where all is in
the balance and only Harry knows which way it can go. Why else make such a
song and dance about Snape's loyalty in that fashion? 

A scene immediately springs to mind of Harry confronting Snape with the
evidence before Voldemort and Snape handily expiring in the process of making
Voldemort an easier target for Harry. Too dramatic? But there is no dramatic
value in such a mechanism unless it is drama for _us_. Once we know for
certain, Harry cannot know, and vice versa. I really feel that it would be
better that Dumbledore _is_ wrong, or at least that it is uncertain that he
was _right_. It would spoil the fun of book 7 for me.

ewe2, penguin for the maintainence of mystery.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" - Adam Savage

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