[the_old_crowd] Re: What would convince Harry/canned memories

Amanda Geist editor at mandolabar.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 24 20:30:47 UTC 2005

Amandageist originally:
supports this:

Lyn answered:
> Yes, but then there is this little problem of Slughorn's memory. DD has
the one copy, but
> another unaltered copy still resides in Slughorn's head. Either this is a
Flint, or memories
> can exist in both places if the owner so chooses.

Amandageist responds:
I'd think it would be that Slughorn gave him a "construct" memory--a fake
one, made from the real and then (clumsily) readjusted. He retained the real
one and gave a fake one. This is me winging it, but so much canon supports
the memory being "removed" that I think adjusted memories may be separate
items, provided under false pretenses.

Amandageist originally:
> > Maybe Dumbledore wasn't making up his mind; maybe he didn't have that
> > information to give. The timeframe of this exchange is that Dumbledore
> > called Harry to his office to go try to find and destroy a Horcrux. This
> > a time I would expect Dumbledore to have removed any memories that could
> > endanger the cause. So he told Harry all he honestly could at that
> > moment--and what he could tell him matched what Snape has told Voldemort
> > the DEs: Snape spun a tale of remorse and Dumbledore trusts him

Lyn responded:
> But, at a  minimum, he still knew he had memories stored, and what they
were (how else
> would one ever recover them, or go back to peruse them, and how else would
Snape know,
> and he did indicate he knew, what Harry was seeing of Snape's own
memories).   And it DD
> knew what that the reason was stored, and it likely was in his office as
that is where all the
> other  memories have been stored, he could have pulled out the bottle
right then and
> there, just like he did for the other  memories. Hence, I still believe
there is much more to
> why DD doesn't let Harry know.

Amandageist now:
I'll grant there's more. Even given that, though, I can think of at least
two reasons not to stop right then. One, and not least in my mind--if it
involved Snape, Harry is in no state to hear it right then. He's in a state
of very high dudgeon, having just found out about Snape reporting the
prophecy to Voldemort. Not the most receptive time; he cannot be objective
about Snape when he's calm. Two, there's a time factor. Dumbledore had
summoned Harry to his office to accompany him going after the Horcrux; Harry
ran into Trelawney on the way. There may not be *time* to uncork the bottle;
so Dumbledore asks for Harry's trust on that point.

Did that answer well enough?

I also YM'd with Nora last night, and had a couple more thoughts:

Nora said that most of the "Snape in deep cover" theories are predicated
upon the Order and Harry not knowing what Snape is up to--if they knew,
Snape would be in trouble. If this is true, *then* any posthumous revelation
on Dumbledore's part would break the cover, as Harry is not likely not to

To which I responded: I think the content will be such that Harry will
(a) immediately understand why D didn't say, and
(b) immediately wish he himself still didn't know, and
(c) realize why he can't tell anyone else, putting him in the same position
D was in.

And Harry knowing, with his lousy skills at Occlumency, is a definite
danger. Making my old prediction of a scenario where he must trust Snape to
shield him from Voldemort in a confrontation, even more likely.



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