[the_old_crowd] Graveyard Horcrux?

Heidi Tandy heidi8 at heiditandy.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 24 22:38:28 UTC 2005

On Sun, 24 Jul 2005 1:52 pm, Amanda Geist wrote:
> So, he still had killed Cedric and could have made one...if he'd 
> thought
> about it--what would it have been?
> Tombstone?
> Wormtail's hand?
> Triwizard cup?

He couldn't have made one from Cedric as Wormtail did that killing. And 
Wormtail was the reason I had a problem with the horcrux concept, 
unfortunately. Wormtail killed a dozen people in one blow, but even if 
it split his soul, did he do any horcruxing? Has Voldemort taught the 
trick to any death eaters, and is that why they're so dangerous, because 
they kill other wizards to split their own souls? Or has he held the 
information for himself?


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