Ron's Birthday Present

Jen Reese stevejjen at
Mon Jul 25 00:38:01 UTC 2005

Sorry I missed your first post on this 

catlady, but your thoughts make this 

a more interesting topic so I'm 

glad you re-posted.

catlady: :
> << The watches are described differently. DD's in PS/SS "It was a
> very odd watch. It had twelve hands but no numbers; instead, little
> planets were moving around the edge." Ron's watch in HBP: "a heavy
> gold watch with odd symbols around the edge and tiny moving stars
> instead of hands."
> Ron's watch - no hands. DD's watch - 12 hands.
> Ron's watch - odd symbols. DD's watch - no mention of odd symbols.
> Ron's watch - moving stars. DD's watch - moving planets.
> I also think that 'instead of hands' is a bit closer to the center
> than 'around the edge'. >>

Jen: So now I really don't think this was a throwaway birthday 
present. Weasleys, somehow the owners of a completely unique magical 
clock, are also in possession of this odd watch that doesn't tell 

Although...we still don't know the significance of DD's watch. I 
hope it's not just window-dressing for the story, that JKR feels 
unusual timepieces are fitting for wizards and that's the end of it. 
Has anyone ever asked JKR about the watch and Molly's clock in an 
interview? I don't remember reading hearing anything about it.


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