Hedgecrumpets (spoilers, of course)
naama_gat at naamagatus.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jul 25 12:51:13 UTC 2005
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "mooseming" <josturgess at e...>
> Spoiler space
> spoiler space
> spoiler space
> Spoiler space
> spoiler space
> spoiler space
> Spoiler space
> spoiler space
> spoiler space
> Spoiler space
> spoiler space
> spoiler space
> Spoiler space
> spoiler space
> spoiler space
> Spoiler space
> spoiler space
> spoiler space
> I'm not at all convinced that those four remaining items have been
> correctly identified by DD. Repeatedly we are told he is guessing
> and that he does make mistakes. I'm actually sold on the locket,
> and wand but I think the Nagini option is unlikely. I'm fairly
> confident it will turn out to be a Gryffindor thing in the end.
Am I the only one (so far - haven't read the rest of the posts) to
be utterly convinced that the fourth Horcrux is Harry's scar?
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