The AK (was: My HBP Review)

pippin_999 foxmoth at
Mon Jul 25 20:17:54 UTC 2005

> Potioncat:
So, by your theory, DD was planning to make it look like Snape had 
killed him. But something went wrong and DD died by accident, so to 
speak. Do you think Snape knew DD had a plan to save himself? Or am
I  just completely thick? So at what point would Snape really
understand  that the plan hadn't turned out?

Probably as soon as he heard Harry yell "Petrificus Totalus!" behind
him as the last Death Eater tried to leave the top of the tower.

Snape would have known Harry was there all along, on account of the
two brooms, and  Snape would realize that Dumbledore  must 
have immobilized Harry and hidden him. 

Dumbledore would not  have lifted the spell while there were still
Death Eaters in the castle, so if Harry was moving, then
Dumbledore must have died.

I suspect Dumbledore had something like a hollow tooth filled
with draught of living death (there were a lot of missing teeth in
HBP) and his original plan was to swallow the potion when Snape tried
to kill him. 

It was the Order's general policy to fake deaths, as Dumbledore
explains,so Snape would know that, at least. I don't think Dumbledore 
would have told him exactly how he intended to do it. Need to know,
and all. 


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