HBP: Haiku
Smythe, Boyd T {FLNA}
boyd.t.smythe at boyd_smythe.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jul 25 22:16:28 UTC 2005
Some spoilt haikus:
Sweet, innocent child
In the seventh month was born.
Death comes so quickly.
Quivering fleshy
Gelatinous mound of boy--
Abusive Dursleys.
Egocentric fool!
Senile trusting dolt, Albus!
The Dark Lord has won.
Dim reflections on
A black soul forever torn:
Such pretty trinkets!
Are they on sale today, sir?
Tom's Used Horcruxes.
Kneasy wrote: >Tom has been demonstrating his 'powers' for some time. Would
the Underage Magic Watchdogs detect it? Use of a wand is not necessary -
Dobby didn't use one levitating the cake and that was noticed. According to
canon it's best spotted in places where adult wizards aren't likely to be
throwing spells around - a Muggle orphanage would stick out like a sore
thumb. Is this how DD was able to track him down?<
Very flinty, IMO. If we must explain it, then I'll go with either his being
outside the MoM's jurisdiction in that Muggle orphanage, or they weren't
worried since no one would believe the kids he terrorized, anyway. Stupid
Muggles, as they might have said.
>Now that the first flush of jumping to conclusions has started to fade,
Regulus doesn't look such a hot favourite after all. Only to be expected,
it's rare that herself offers clues with such an apparently simple
I offer for your enjoyment one dear Mr. Borgin. Acquainted with old
artifacts, dark magic, and Voldemort (who worked for him fresh out of
Hogwarts). Might have noticed that certain artifacts were missing from the
homes of the newly departed and put two and two together. If he was
informing DD of Draco's demands and progress in HBP, then we can believe
that DD orchestrated the tower scene. I don't believe this one myself, but
hey, it's possible.
>Are they true initials - or another HBP-type nom-de-wand?<
Yep. Maybe Pettigrew calls himself something, sort of his attempt to make a
nickname more worthy than Wormtail? Or someone has a true name we don't
know...a magical being, perhaps. Kreacher? Dobby? That'd give us a reason
for having seen so much of them, and it would explain how someone got the
locket without spilling the potion; they do have a different brand of magic,
eh? And Dobby may have known of one horcrumb: the diary, which lived with
the Malfoys for quite a while. After all, isn't that what brought him into
Harry's life?
Other possible RAB's: Lupin's been living with the werewolves, presumably
under a pseudonym; perhaps Sirius did this all under Regulus' name to get
ESE!Regulus killed and throw Voldy off the scent.
Still, it's just as likely she cooked up some new character for RAB.
On a related note, did anyone else laugh at her when she said, "I'm aware
that "Half-Blood Prince" will not delight everyone, because it does shoot
down some theories." Huh? The interview alone shot down more theories than
all of HBP! I think she finally realized that we fans can interpret
everything multiple ways, though, because she seems to have set out to sink
theories in the interviews, and she had DD get blown off the tower to give
him a heavy-duty death to make it clear he's dead.
I'm still not sure whether the interviews should be considered canon,
though. Art is, after all, in the eye of the beholder.
"You believe what you want to believe."--Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
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