[the_old_crowd] Re: The AK that was (or wasn't)

susiequsie23 susiequsie23 at cubfanbudwoman.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jul 26 00:01:28 UTC 2005

Pip!Squeak replies:
Trina, have you ever seen someone faint? Because I have, twice, and 
I assure you - they fall backwards.

To be precise - they go down straight, like a tree being felled, hit 
the ground with an almighty 'thump' and lie on their backs facing 

Generally, the knees only buckle if a) you lose consciousness 
gradually and have time to semi-control the fall or b) you're an 
actor anxious to avoid concussion. Most 'faints' that you see in 
drama show buckling knees - that's because buckling at the knees 
allows you some control over the fall.

Heh heh.  I suspect no one will be able to compete w/ me for the position of Fainting Queen of TOC.  I have fainted while giving blood, after smashing my finger in a car door, during my wedding, at a Thai restaurant in Chicago, in the middle of the night after jumping up to care for a sick child (on three different occasions), and etc.  (Yes, I'm wired a little weird.)

Anyhoo... I can vouch for the fact that people who are just *standing* there do tend to fall backwards.  None of that buckling of the knees crap to make the fall gentler.  Nope, you just topple over and go BAM!  OTOH, if the person is actively *doing* something -- say, trying to safely reach a bed before fainting -- s/he can, indeed, fall *forwards.*  I had the cuts & bruises to prove it in June.

Siriusly Snapey Susan, apologizing for the totally canon-free post.


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