It was LEWWWpin was Re: PettigrEWWW might still be TREWWW
foxmoth at
Wed Jul 27 03:58:15 UTC 2005
> Neri:
> ESE!Lupin-loved-Lily-and-tried-to-spared-her mainly makes his
crimes slightly more vile, if this is still possible at all, but
I don't see much profit in it, thematically or plot wise. ESE!Lupin
would be a shattering revelation near the climax of Book 7, right?
So there won't be time or emotional momentum left for *another*
shattering reversal. But we have known Wormtail as a traitor for
three books, so now he's just ripe to do something noble for Harry,
and then it can be part of Lily's love protection.
But Harry's sure to get it wrong. He can spend most of seven being
sure that it was Snape who had the unhealthy crush on his mum,
no matter who it is really.
> Neri:
> You mean, Lupin's revenge on Fenrir for biting him would be being
> higher in the pecking order? That sounds a little... weak.
Not if your motives are political. Remember how Voldie took advantage
of the infighting among the Giants?
> And speaking of Fenrir, we now have a canonically super-evil
werewolf who likes biting small children, and he's so obviously
Lupin's opposite number. So if Lupin turns out to be evil too, who's
left to show that werewolves aren't necessarily bad? You'd need
someone extremely good and powerful to balance *both* Fenrir and
ESE!Lupin. Luna would hardly fit the bill, and I don't remember her
showing any symptoms in HBP either.
Ah, Fenrir. So useful. With him around, picking his teeth and
glowering, who'd ever suspect poor, lovestruck Remus? I've been
having a good chuckle about Herself saying she used Tonks's romance
as a red herring. Little do we know.
But you're forgetting Bill. Extremely good, extremely powerful, and
discrimination against him is even more unfair, because he can't even
> Neri:
> Maybe he wasn't called Snivellus for nothing. But if there were any
records about him, he wouldn't even have to bother charming them.
What do you think Crabbe and Goyle did for *their* detentions? It
was probably like: "Goyle, have you learned to read already? Good. I
want you to go over these records and burn anything with the name
Snape in it." Standard cover-your-tracks triple-agent procedure.
But then he'd have to obliviate Goyle or risk blackmail from Malfoy.
Too dangerous.
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