[the_old_crowd] Are prodigals allowed?
Catherine Coleman
catorman at catorman.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jul 27 07:03:20 UTC 2005
--- Kimberly <moongirlk at ...> wrote:
> Hello all - don't know if any of you remember me, or if it's really
> kosher to show up after something like 2 years, but I've been lurking
> around again since shortly before HBP was released and gobbling up
> all your wonderful theories and analyses. Don't have a lot of real
> world Potterphiles to enthuse with, and you guys have always been the
> best, but I was without a working computer at home for awhile and
> kicked some of my obsessive habits as a result. Looks like I was
> only in remission...
> There are tons of things I'd like to ask about/comment on/"me too"
> over, but I rather don't feel I've earned the right, what with just
> showing up again. I wonder should I request re-admittance to the
> group? If need be I'll introduce myself again, and if there's
> penance for straying, I don't mind...
> Kimberly
Kimberly, I always remember you with fondness as the first person ever to send me an offlist note
when I joined HPFGU, so I for one am delighted that you want to join in the fun again.
Welcome back - just don't leave us for so long next time!
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