Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at
Thu Jul 28 10:13:45 UTC 2005
Many in fandom are taking a good long look at 'Spinner's End' as
possibly one of the key chapters in HBP for unconsidered trifles that
may turn out to be more helpful or significant than seems at first
There was a right old kerfuffle on HPfGU when it was announced as a
chapter title - a searching of gazetteers, maps and street plans to
try and locate it - with the somewhat optimistic hope that it might
provide a clue. IIRC just one Spinner's End was found (though the
name has since changed) and that was in Cradeley Heath in the old
West Midlands industrial area - what was spun there was not cloth or
thread but wire ropes. Whether Jo based her description on what used
to be there is doubtful, it was hardly on the tourist itinerary, but
it was pretty much as depicted in the book - my home patch was only
three or four miles away. Still, what remains of the Victorian
industrial hey-day is more or less the same all over the Midlands and
North of England.
Hardly the place for a bijou batchelor pad, though Sevvy seems quite
comfy what with his books and an ersatz House Elf to flick a duster
when required. Peter as Kreacher - or Dobby? What fun!
One of the options available in the FAQ section on the JKR site,
round Christmas-time I think, was "Where has Peter been during OoP?"
- that might not be the exact wording, but it's the general gist. It
didn't win that particular poll, though Jo did allow that there was
an interesting answer.
Now, does anyone think that for the past year Peter has been fully
occupied with a little light housework down at Spinners End? Hardly
seems likely, does it? What with ole Snapey fully engaged at Hogwarts
or running errands for the Order, yet there he is in chap. 2 of the
new book, a reluctant Igor to a domineering Sevvy. It could be that
we're not intended to believe that El Ratto has been slaving away
with Mrs Skower's Magical Mess Remover for the past year, it does say
it "had an air of neglect as though it were not usually inhabited."
OK. A nod's as good as a wink to a blind horse, so what has Ratty
been up to while we weren't looking?
It's possible to construct all sorts of fanciful notions based on no
evidence whatsoever, but the possibility of a sort of future
parallel between that silver hand and DD's blackened fist does occur.
Having a built-in set of tongs might be eminently useful when poking
at spell-protected Horsecluckses.
Food for thought in the bickering between Snape and Peter. At various
times both have been proposed as characters posing as villains but
working for DD. If they are they're each either unaware of the
other's role or putting up a damn good front - or maybe they just
hate the sight of each other. Hmm. Just how good is Peter at
Occlumency/Legilimancy? Who knows what about whom? His failed attempt
at eavesdropping - plain nosiness or is he reporting back? And who
to? Voldy or DD?
A lovely tangled web of conjecture to paw over.
What more could anyone want?
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