Soul suction (Re: Those dam Hordevours!)

quigonginger quigonginger at
Fri Jul 29 06:35:08 UTC 2005

> Jo:
> > A rip caused by murder would, I imagine, remain entire unless the 
> > individual attempted to heal it (remorse, reparation etc). 
> Creating 
> > a HRX, to me, implies removing the off cut and depositing it 
> > elsewhere, something that can be done any time or place, 
> subsequent 
> > to the death, that you choose.
> Jen: Come to think of it, how does Voldemort get those ripped soul 
> sections out? I can only think of a couple of options at the moment:
> 1) Part of the ritual for sealing the Horcrux involves the soul 
> being summoned out through the mouth and into the object. 
> 2) Dementors could help by sucking out the soul. Now this one is 
> tricky. What exactly do you offer a dementor to get your soul 
> portion back, hmmm? 

Ginger:  Maybe you hold the murdered soul in some kind of static 
state and then invite the dementor over, with the understanding that 
he will suck out only an ittybitty piece of yours, and give it back 
in exchange for the nice big whole soul of your victim.  Hope I'm not 
giving you any ideas.

Ginger, ghoulish tonight

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