Soul suction (Re: Those dam Hordevours!)

quigonginger quigonginger at
Sat Jul 30 07:24:27 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, "Kimberly" <moongirlk at y...> 
> --- In the_old_crowd at, "Talisman" 
<talisman22457 at y...> 
> wrote:> 
> > 
> > Talisman, catching a whiff of that naughty spicy ginger goulash:
> > 
> > ::delightfully creepy shudder:: 
> > Snogging with a dementor? Be gentle darling, and only take a 
> little? 
> > 
> > And, speaking of dementor sex, how about that clammy mist being 
> some 
> > sort of reproductive emission?  Guess we HAD better put on our 
> > raincoats, eh?
> > 

Kimberly added:
> Not to keep an icky subject going or anything, but I do wish 
> somebody'd asked JKR how dementors breed.  If their kiss sucks the 
> soul right out, what the heck does bumping naughties do?  Of course 
> presumably they're breeding with *each other*, but that just makes 
> all the more mystifying.  And icky.  

Ginger wonders:
What if the mist was some sort of reproductive birth control?  In 
which case, the breeding is mist-defying.

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