INIT obvious?

mooseming josturgess at
Sat Jul 30 09:08:01 UTC 2005

Following JKR's comment in a recent interview that she views some 
hints as `anvil sized' I consulted some old books to see if there 
was a standard against which clues can be assesed.

In `Mystery Measured' by Prof Carmine Clupeidae I found the 
following which members of this group may find useful.

Implied Narrator Intent Table

100% Purity of intent              
Affect on speculative theory: Total destruction.

80% Purity of intent               
Affect on speculative theory: Extremely large holes, limited 
repetition can sink theory or cause confusion.

60% Purity of intent            
Affect on speculative theory: Minimal damage unless filled with 
nails (see below) however theory requires disguise, blind spot or 
plugging of leaks.

40% Purity of intent            
Affect on speculative theory: Douses enthusiasm.

20% Purity of intent 
Affect on speculative theory: Usually found in multiples requires 
fancy footwork to avoid damage (AKA the Terpsichore Tap).

10% Purity of intent 
Affect on speculative theory: Limited damage in isolation, large 
numbers can be terminal either when combined with a sack (see above) 
or by repetition (e.g. another nail in

0% Purity of intent 
Affect on speculative theory: No damage whatsoever but likelihood of 
a headache in the morning.


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