A dastardly Voldy plan - was: Re: Lockets

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jul 30 14:46:55 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "carolynwhite2" <carolynwhite2 at a...> wrote:
> All he cares about is that the locket, like the One Ring, is lurking 
> happily on a shelf somewhere in a bona fide DE household, waiting for 
> someone to be tempted to pick it up and put it on.
> Could be that Voldy even knew that Bella was due to inherit should 
> Sirius snuff it. Might have been what she was referring to in Chapter 
> 2, that he'd promised her something. 
> Definitely looks like a tussle of will-power between Harry and Bella 
> over control of Kreacher in Book 7 (who will have hidden the thing).

You stopped before coming to the punch-line.

Bella killed Reggy.
With Sirius fitted up for the Potter murders, languishing away in durance
vile, plus having been disinherited, who then gets the loot?

Bella. Darling Bella.

Bet she's already suborned Kreacher, he's got it tucked away nice and safe
ready for when she comes into her inheritance. But she doesn't. And
Kreacher can't act as a free agent, he's restricted in what he can do as
Harry is his master. Must be frustrating for all concerned.

But there's a Billywig in the unguent.
Dung is filling his pockets and Kreacher is at Hogwarts instead of guarding
the McGuffin.
I see tears before bedtime.


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