A dastardly Voldy plan - was: Re: Lockets

Lyn J. Mangiameli kumayama at kumayama.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 31 17:49:23 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "carolynwhite2" <carolynwhite2 at a...> wrote:

<snip of responses to others, beginning now with Carolyn quoting my earlier post:
> Lyn:
> My guess is that every time LV split his soul to form a HX he also 
> divided some of his power. He didn't really give it up, by he 
> compartmentalized it outside of himself, still available for return 
> if so needed. At the height of his powers, he had power to spare, 
> sufficient to exchange a portion for immortality. The events at GH 
> changed that. He now needs to regain that power, at least temporarily.
> >
> Carolyn:
> If Lyn's explanation is true, why has he not spent the last two years 
> hoovering up his lost Hairballs? There's been nothing to stop him. He 
> could have retrieved at least the ring, and Hxs 4 and 5, if not the 
> locket (since it's at 12GP and that's been OOP HQ since shortly after 
> the rebirthing).

Lyn now:
If my speculation about the graveyard corpalization ceremony is correct, then he has 
already begun to utilize his HXs. There might be several reasons for why he would not 
immediately seek to re-integrate them. 
1. There is always a trade off between immortality and power, so he might be hedging his 
bets by maintaining as many HXs as possible until he needs the full extent of his powers. 
Up until now, a full "hot" war has not been in force, and he has been using his DE and 
surrogates to effect almost all of the actions.
2. It is likely that the re-integration magic is complex and requires several components 
that are not easily come by. This is particulary true if the graveyard ceremony is a model.
3. There is always some chance that a HX may be misused or destroyed by who ever has it 
in their possession, thus LV likely needs to retrieve each one by himself. He is paranoid/
realistic enough to know that he can't trust most of his followers for the task (look how 
Lucius Malfoy bungled it).
4. While he may have hidden his HXs, he may not be sure that they have remained hidden. 
He would be prudent to assure himself that his HXs are not being watched, and a trap set 
for him there. 

Not saying any of these are exactly it, but I think they illustrate how he might take a 
cautious approach to the re-integration.

Back to Carolyn 
> And by the way (Lyn), the DEs seem not to know about Hxs, at least 
> according to DD: 'That was what you told me he said. 'Further than 
> anybody'. And I thought I knew what that meant, though the Death 
> Eaters did not.' (Ch 23, p469 UK ed).

Lyn now:

I quote LV from the graveyard (Ch 33 GOF), speaking to his Death Eaters. 
"And then I ask myself, but how could they have not believed I would rise again? They, who 
knew the steps I took, long ago, to guard myself against mortal death. They who had seen 
proofs of the immensity of my power in the times when I was mightier than any wizard 

Now there is no reason to believe that LV is lying, as after all, the "They" he is referring to 
are standing before him. So here we have him unequivocally stating "they knew the steps I 
took...." What I'd speculate is that they knew of him using HXs, but they (or at least most) 
don't know the identity of most or all of the HXs. I think this is illustrated by Lucius's 
actions, suggesting he knew the Diary was precious to LV, but didn't know its true nature.

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