[the_old_crowd] TOAD WARS was :A dastardly Voldy plan
Randy Estes
estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 31 23:20:41 UTC 2005
Greetings from Red Eye Randy...
I regret my late arrival... I spent the last few
months searching houses of ill repute looking for
women with broken legs who had been given enchanted
crutches by a passionate wizard....only to find that
my hearing was a bit off when Dumbledore gave me those
Really, I disconnected from the group and reread books
4, and 5 and read book 6 at a leisurely pace given my
3 boys are out of school for the summer.
Even though I am way behind on reading posts, I hazard
a guess that noone else has discovered the true story
of the final whorecrutch...
Here is the untold story....
Bellatrix was sent to retrieve the horcrux stolen by
RAB and given to the Longbottoms. Nevilles's mom
planted the location of the missing horcrux into the
back of young Neville's mind and placed a forgetful
charm on him that he alone can unlock.
Once Neville is of age and gains confidence in
himself, he can use transfiguration (desired by
Grandma) to transform his Toad (Trevor) back into the
Voldemort charmed object that it once was. Trevor has
been trying unsuccessfully all these years to escape
Neville and return to the Dark Lord.
Thus leading to the new theory.....
Trevor Only Avoids Dumbledore While Attempting to
Revitalize Slytherin. (aka. TOAD WARS)
Red Eye Randy
who has been trying for years to unlock the secret of
Neville's unruly toad....Note Umbridge's interest in
Hogwarts and her "toadlike" appearance.
> Carolyn:
> > However, just because of the prophecy, I think
> > he was mighty nervous about what might happen if
> he went for Harry
> > and Neville and therefore put two back up plans in
> place. One was
> > giving the diary to Lucius with only partial
> instructions and a
> > strict injunction not to deploy it until Voldemort
> said so. The
> > other was the Regulus affair, enabling the locket
> to be moved from
> > its hiding place to somewhere that it could more
> easily take over
> > any witch or wizard that found it and put it on.
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