[the_old_crowd] Re: XPOST: Lupin is Ever So Evil Part One -- The Prank (long)

JoAnna Wahlund pt4ever at pt4ever.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jun 3 14:11:52 UTC 2005

Oh, I see how this was kept quiet - and without magic, too.

Dumbledore: "Mr. Snape, if you breathe a word of tonight's events to ANYONE, you will
face immediate expulsion from Hogwarts."

Methinks Snape wasn't really cut out of the job of assistant gamekeeper, so he kept his
mouth shut.

> Another thing I don't find credible is that Snape kept quiet about it 
> all, not unless coercive magic was used - and if that was the case 
> then one day he'll snap out of it and realise that DD isn't his best 
> chum after all. Mind you, it would explain why DD trusts him so
> completely.


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