XPOST: Lupin is Ever So Evil Part One -- The Prank (long)
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jun 3 17:09:33 UTC 2005
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "fritter_my_wig" <eloiseherisson at a...> wrote:
> JoAnna :
> > And who would believe Snape over Dumbledore?
> >
> > Also, three words: binding magical contract. What if Dumbledore
> made Snape promise not
> > to reveal the details regarding "The Prank" for X amount of years,
> and Snape agreed...?
> Another point is that he'd be humiliated. Would he really *want* to
> admit that he'd been dumb enough to fall for Sirius' trick?
> ~Eloise
Tut, tut!
I think you both underestimate Snape's vindictiveness.
a) Why would he agree to a contract? He's got the winning hand - unless
DD can throw something extra in the pot that'll keep Sevvy sweet.
b) Nah - innocent, trusting student sent to a tryst with a werewolf by
thuggish offspring of Voldy-supporting family. That's the way to play it.
"I thought he was my friend" lisped shattered schoolboy Sevvy, "but now
I see that his family was right to disown him. Who but a maniac would
send a pal into the jaws of death? Who would've believed that our beloved
Headmaster would secretly enter a werewolf into the student body? I just
want justice to be done," he quavered.
And best of all, except for a little poetic licence it's true. Sirius *did*
manoevre, persuade or con a fellow student into an extremely dangerous
situation - and thought it was funny. DD *did* conceal a werewolf around
the premises - and failed to keep it secure, too. Cor! Good job they don't
have lawyers in the WW. Can you imagine the claims for damages?
Any minor rules infraction by Snapey pales in comparison.
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