Daddy dearest

Lyn J. Mangiameli kumayama at
Mon Jun 6 03:29:21 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, "Rebecca Bowen" <dontask2much at y...> wrote:

> I don't know, my fellow Potterpeople, that we'll find DD is in Snapey-poo's 
> aformentioned lineage.  I believe Snape and Sirius may have a better shot of 
> being related in some way, though - there's just something about the way 
> Sirius feels he has to remind Snape who exactly is the master of Grimmauld 
> Place in OoP:
> "'You know,' said Sirius loudly, leaning back on his rear chair legs and 
> speaking to the ceiling, 'I think I'd prefer it if you didn't give orders 
> here, Snape. It's my house, you see.'"
> and then Snape's reaction:
> "An ugly flush suffused Snape's pallid face. Harry sat down in a chair 
> beside Sirius, facing Snape across the table."
> Why would Sirius need to use those statements to make his point?  And why 
> would Snape have an involuntary reaction about something so...petty...unless 
> there's something more behind it?  I'm sure others may have some different 
> perceptions of that scene, but I couple this with the overwhelming presence 
> the Wicked Screaming Mother Black's portrait seems to have as the human 
> representative of the Black family, and only a pair of Father's pants 
> offhandedly mentioned in the entire book. It's just as doable that Snape and 
> Sirius are in some way related.

Lyn now:
Great observation, and with the ring of truth. I'd offer that it doesn't necessarily undermine 
either Kneasy's or my original playful speculations. Each of us needs only one parent to 
keep them going, and the other parent can come from any stock.  Unless, of course, one 
likes the truly outrageous idea of combining the two, with Riddle mating with a DD  
progeny, as CatLady suggested. 

Now, if there is a DD connection, my money would be that it is on Snape's maternal side. It 
would be quite possible that should Snape be illegitimate, the father is indeed the elder 
Black.  Skipping the DD connection, this idea has floated around for a couple of years. 
Being illegitmate, Snape would never appear on the family tree. Suits me, but then many 
have said that JKR wouldn't include such a theme in her "children's" books. I don't know.

There is also that incendiary possibility that a parent was struck from the family tree for 
becoming (or marrying) a Vampire. Ah, I can hear the screams already.  

The reason I am rather fond of the unlikely possibily of Snape being a grand child of DD, is 
that I think it so intensifies Snape's sense of alienation and injustice.  Why didn't DD pay 
attention to Snape's situation as a child before Hogwarts? Why didn't DD seek to do more 
to support and encourage Snape at Hogwarts? How could DD possibly "side" with the 
James/Sirius pair over his own relative? These thoughts would surely ruminate within a 
young Snape's mind. Here's the great DD, saving the world, but not saving his own 
grandchild (or great grandchild). How easy it would be for Snape to become bitter, yet at 
the same time, yearn for recognition and acceptance from this powerful, father figure. 
Might this scenario still exist in the "present." 

There's another possible connection between DD and Snape that I'm not sure has been 
explored before. DD was the Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts, but it seems that much 
of his know talent has nothing to do with transfiguration. From the Frog cards we know 
that his fame is in part associated with his experiments with Flamel, and his discovery of 
the 12 uses of Dragon's blood.  Now this sounds like potions to me--kind of makes one 
wonder why he didn't become the Potions Professor at Hogwarts. 

Now JKR gives a nod to some traits and talents being heritable. The most obvious is the 
flying skill that James and Harry share (and that certain little disregard for rules). Wouldn't 
it be interesting if some of Snape's talent at potions (and he has been recognized for 
having great talent), came from his grandfather DD. 

Now are the speculations I've laid out over my last two posts likely to be true? I rather 
doubt it. But are they plausible? Well, I kind of think so. At least they have lingered in my 
mind for a couple of years. 


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