[the_old_crowd] Re: Dumbledore's Unspeakable Word (going OT)

Mike & Susan Gray aberforthsgoat at aberforths_goat.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jun 9 06:01:57 UTC 2005


> Feel free to be as judgemental as you wish, it can be quite
> entertaining when boards become red in tooth and claw, though 
> it do tend to make the squeamish squeam and site managements 
> to have fits of the vapours.

<grin> No grave insult intended. I just couldn't resist the urge to
tussle a little. (Not to mention the epistularly pleasure of calling a
cynic naïve.) 

> ... in this
> postmodern era ... 

Hmm. En passant, and come to think of it, there *is* a word that means
even less than **** or ***: postmodern. Perhaps the other disciplines
have got over it by now, but we theologians (a guild with a holy calling
to live about a decade behind the times) have latched onto the p-word
with a vengence. Anyway, moving right along ...

> To go back to my earlier post - just which OED definition of
> the word (it gives 10 main ones) do you think JKR intends us 
> to slot into the vacant position? 

That *is* a fair question. 

> she'll need to be a bit more specific
> than she appears 
> to be at the moment 'cos that demonstrated by Harry is very 
> limited and very specific - to just a few individuals.

Well, I think (in OotP particularly) it is has something to do with
vulnerability and generosity. The strength of powerlessness, the wisdom
of stupidity.

> I don't claim that you're wrong - though I'll be very
> depressed if you're right, I'd hoped for something more than 
> an ending cliched even by the 
> standards of daytime TV.

Hey - what would you like the force behind the door to be?? (Apologies
if you've already been over that one a zillion times!)


Aberforth's Goat (a.k.a. Mike Gray) 

"Of course, I'm not entirely sure he can read, 
so that may not have been bravery...." 

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