Now completely OT, was Re: THE OLD CROWD - INTRO

davewitley dfrankiswork at
Fri Jun 17 08:19:08 UTC 2005

Joywitch, speaking of Mike the Goat:
> > BTW, we're definitely going to Accio, so we'll finally get to 
meet in 
> > person.  I'm so excited!
> >
> I'm getting quite excited by the number of people on this list who 
are attending - we're well into
> double figures here!

Mike, you're attending Accio?  Well, well - looking forward to meet 

Catherine again:

> Does that mean you like soccer?  I find that quite hard to believe 
as well.  David Beckham fever
> hasn't hit the US has it?

One of the things that puzzled me on my recent visit to the US was 
that people seemed to know about Malcolm Glazer's takeover of Man 
U.  For a nation that is famously ignorant of foreign things (there 
was an item on the radio this morning about the lack of coverage of 
the recent French referendum in the USA), I thought that remarkable.


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