[the_old_crowd] Understanding Goat's Law

ewe2 ewetoo at ewe2_au.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jun 23 20:24:33 UTC 2005

On Thu, Jun 23, 2005 at 03:48:49PM -0000, davewitley wrote:
> Pippin:
> > Voldemort is depicted as part of primary reality, and we're told
> > his actions are going to have effect in the Muggle world, so I 
> suspect
> > the key to defeating him will be depicted as part of primary 
> > reality also. Does that make sense?
> Not really, because I don't understand the distinction between primary 
> and secondary reality.  Are we talking universals and accidentals, or 
> spiritual and physical, or what?

Strictly speaking, secondary reality in the Tolkienian sense is a "subcreated"
world, and its relationship to primary reality (outside the book) is a matter
of applicability not allegory. In that sense assumptions about secondary
reality come from their obvious descent from primary reality, and aspects that
do not "naturally flow" from that are noticeable. To take the Tolkien and
Lewis examples, the religious component of Middle-earth is an assumed or
"felt" one because it flows from Tolkien's own attitude about religion; it is
Sauron who unnaturally disagrees.

The trouble with Narnia for me is that the story becomes a religious allegory;
although it has been argued that Potterverse seems like a journey from
childhood to adulthood like Narnia.

To finally put this in the context, Pippin is saying that Voldemort is such a
strong symbol of primary reality that his role in _secondary_ reality must
match sufficiently as not to break the logic of the Potterverse, which demands
that Muggles be affected, and therefore, a Muggle solution to the WW problem
must be possible.

My gibberish is more incomprehensible than your gibberish :)

sed awk grep cat dd ..Im a luser baby ,so why don't you killall -kill me.

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