[the_old_crowd] What are you wearing to pick up HBP?

Aberforths Goat / Mike Gray aberforthsgoat at aberforths_goat.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jun 24 10:13:03 UTC 2005

Heidi ho!

I've never dressed up for an HP event.

If throughly stoned, I might try attaching some little horns to my head,
if I were also hanging out with a lot of thoroughly stoned HPfGU types.
It would be a nice way to show sympathy for Penny's beloved A&Ms. Of
course, since I've never been properly stoned (unless you count getting
high on books and hot chocolate), not even that is likely to happen.
Particularly since I've sworn off hot chocolate (along with all the
other culinary opiates) until I've finished my degree.

> When FictionAlley's staff learned that Katie had passed, they
> realised that the best way that the site could honour her 
> memory would be to provide other writers, as well as artists 
> and those who give back to the community, with help in making 
> their dreams come true

Now that is a really, really cool idea. I'm wondering if there's any
chance I could get some folks at my Zürich bookstore on board. I'll nose
around a little.

* * * * *

Oh - and while I'm rambling about things that really count: it's GREAT
to hear that Penny understands about foo'ball (Texan pronounciation). I
haven't seen the movie yet - but I've read about it, and it sounds
pretty sad. There *is* point where sports turn stupid, instead of crazy.
I dunno. I was a tennis player as a kid and really wanted to get good,
and played until I got completely sick of the whole thing. I haven't
played in years, and when I happened to unearth my old racket case a
couple months back, I got a really weird feeling in my stomach. (Of
course, maybe the feeling was more in wallet part of my anatomy ...
Tennis court prices in Switzerland are waaaay out of my league.)


Aberforth's Goat (a.k.a. Mike Gray) 

"Of course, I'm not entirely sure he can read, 
so that may not have been bravery...." 

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