[the_old_crowd] What are you wearing to pick up HBP?

Saitaina saitaina at saitaina.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jun 24 11:25:27 UTC 2005

Heidi wrote:

<While I am interested in
whether people are coming costumed,>

I shall once more be donning the garb
of 'Narcissa Malfoy', this time in
celebration of my name change to

I will also be wearing my FA button and
bracelet provided both arrive in time.

"I like kids in theory...it's the
practice I'm having trouble with."

"The new food pyramid looks as if all
you have to do to be healthy in America
is be gay and exercise."

"If you're going to sing in the shower,
don't start with a song that begins
with 'help'."


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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