A BIAS in the Pensieve: A Batty Idea About Snape
melclaros at melclaros.yahoo.invalid
Tue Mar 1 13:15:55 UTC 2005
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...>
> But as JKR is not, IMO, a romantic, and her world is nowhere
> near the escapist-friendly place it appears to be at first glance,
> part-vampire!Snape's inadequacies as a fantasy figure wouldn't
> bother her.
Which makes the vampire!Snape idea even *less* likely since JK's
being's and monsters (with the sole exception of Remus' werewolf
form--and I specify Remus because from what we've been told, other
werewolves lurk about in the forbidden forest and are not as nice as
him at all) tend towards the most grotesque forms of their folkloric
models. It would follow that Rowling's vamps would be far more
likely to resemble Nosferatu than any tuxedoed-Hollywood's-golden
era-vampire. Now Snape is certainly not presented as being
physically attractive, but he's certianly not in the league of your
classic Nosferatu.
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