[the_old_crowd] Re: ok i've seen everything now

Kathryn kcawte at slytherinspirit.yahoo.invalid
Wed Mar 2 01:47:04 UTC 2005

 melclaros wrote

Now, now, I've been a Snape fan since the first book, long before Alan
Rickman showed up. You have to admit that 99% of fanfic featuring
Snape has nothing whatsoever to do with the Snape there. A whole flock
of Mary Sues showed up right after Rickman took on the role and
"Sevvy" appeared. *Romances* featuring ingenue Hermione and
Rickmanized Snape abound. I may be wrong (I doubt it) but I don't
think there was a single HG/SS fic in existance before the movies
arrived. (Ah what a blissful time that was!)


I agree that there is somewhat of a problem with Rickmanized Snape in some
fics, but then there are also a heck of a lot of fics that do the same to
Draco and generally Draco fans don't get comments about this being because
of the kid that plays him. I have no problem with romances involving Snape
per se - just the ones that transform his character. I suspect a large cause
of Snape/Hermione is not Alan but rather Pride and Predice/Wutherin Heights
etc etc. Of course I preferred Darcy when he was acting like a git to the
nicer version at the end (not that I didn't like him too)


On another note, you mention that Snape and Hermione have been through
similar experiences. What similar experiences? From what we've been
led to believe, Snape is pure-blooded wiz, comes from an impoverished
background, was bullied in school (and yes gave as good as he got I'm
sure) came from an abusive home, became a death eater and experienced
god-knows-what. Hermione is muggle-born, comes from a stable family
with *two*-professional parents (no poverty there), immediately
settled into school with nary an adjustment problem, rounded up a
group of friends, is a war-criminal in training--Ah, now I see the


I think what I said was specifically referring to post-Hogwarts Hermione and
referred to similar experiences *because they will have played central roles
in the war against Voldemort* If I didn't then I apologise that is what I
meant. After the war there will actually be a fairly low percentage of
people who have been deeply involved and seen the sort of adventures/horros
these two will have done. I claim that as a reason why Hermione might be
drawn to him *not* the other way round, Because I honestly believe Severus
would have to be dragged into a relationship with anyone kicking and
screaming because relationships need trust and Severus (with good reason)
doesn't strike me as the most trusting of people (you think!). I suspect
such events will have a deep effect on any of those students who are
involved (and obviously who survive) which would not easily be understood by
eople not involved. To be honest ten years after the war I could see
Hermione being well on the way to becoming the next Snape, especially if she
teaches -she's so good at what she studies I could see her very quickly
coming to hate students who don't/won't understand and don't care. I have
this image of the two of them bonding in the staff room over how absolutely
abhorrant these little brats all are .... 

I don't think we've seen enough about Severus' background to know that his
family wasn't stable. We don't know whether his parents both worked or not
and there's no definitive proof as to how poor he was or wasn't. We also can
t swear to the abusive bit (One terrifying argument does not an abusive home
make - I assume you were basing your assertion on the pensieve scene).
Hermione may not have been bullied on a long term basis but you do remember
why she was in the bathroom with the troll in the first place don't you? I
certainly think Snape might be envious of her close friendships (deep down
at any rate) but according to Sirius he was part of a gang of Slytherins so
maybe he did have close friends, maybe something happened to them, in which
case, since I have money on Ron dying before the end of the series, that
would give him another thing in common with her.


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