A BIAS in the Pensieve: A Batty Idea About Snape
melclaros at melclaros.yahoo.invalid
Wed Mar 2 13:34:53 UTC 2005
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Barry Arrowsmith"
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> The possibility of a Snape/Vampire connection was one of
> these - "Er - I don't think so" to my mind has the implication
> that Sevvy is not a Vamp, if he were the question would have
> been on a (to her) known character twist and would not be
> unexpected and would have been prepared for with either a
> "wait and see", "I can't tell you", "what do you think?" or
> some other deflecting reply.
> Getting positive and/or critical information on future events in
HP falls
> within the ambit of the Chance brothers - Fat and Slim. Negative or
> unimportant information is more likely, though some negative
> could be as revealing as any. >
> We're as likely to be misled (but not lied to) as to be
enlightened by
> some of the answers.
Listening to/reading these interviews is guaranteed to bring on a
raging migraine. I used to put it down to being stunned and
unprepared by her sudden celebrity status but she's had plenty of
time to get used to it now. Now she's just leading people along. The
string of "almost" deaths in OoP was the last straw. For how many
years had she been bemoaning that "someone" was going to die in the
book, and "oh how horrible" it will be and "I cried when I wrote it"
blah blah--then she took every opportunity for a cheap fake-out of
her readership.
As a reader, I found that insulting, to be honest. I'd started
carefully vetting what interviews of hers I'd read (I'd stopped
listening a long time ago, "um....er....uh..." gets old fast) but
now I won't even *read* published interviews.
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