A BIAS in the Pensieve: A Batty Idea About Snape
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Wed Mar 2 18:11:08 UTC 2005
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...> wrote:
> Kneasy:
> > I'm afraid I wouldn't.
> > I'd see it as a lie and a breach of the rules in the Q&A game.
> > Her honesty and credibility would be shot to pieces.
> Pippin:
> Perhaps. But if JKR put the vampire clues in on purpose, then
> she would naturally assume the questioner was aware of them
> and was being artful, knowing that a more direct question which
> cited the clues would be ignored.
> Would it be unfair of her to answer in kind?
> http://www.radio.cbc.ca/programs/thismorning/sites/books/rowli
> ng_001023.html
> Rowling: Mm hmm. I know exactly what's going to be in five, six
> and seven. And when I've finished that, then we can have the full
> and frank discussion, but until then, if I give full and frank
> answers I'm giving away things about the plot, so I don't want to
> do that.
> -------
> It's like a carnival game. It's rigged. What makes it less of a
> cheat is that if you're paying any attention at all, you *know* it's
> rigged. It's hardly as easy to win a big stuffed bunny as it looks,
> but if you can figure out the gimmick, you have a chance.
I admit to having strong feelings about this.
If JKR lies then all the Q&A sessions over the last 6 years are a fraud.
Totally pointless except as an exercise in self promotion.
I would hate to have to come to that conclusion.
Can you imagine the furore if that happened to be the case?
Now you may be enamoured by Vampire!Snape theory and determined
to hang on to it until grim death, come hell or high water, and to look for
loopholes in Jo's words that to the rest of us are imaginary and to find
'clues' that to many are at best unconvincing.
That's your choice. Fine.
But of course you may have to face the uncomfortable possibility that
her clues are lies too. Where will that leave your theories?
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