[the_old_crowd] Re: What makes Voldy evil (was: Plugging my theory)

Susan Albrecht susiequsie23 at cubfanbudwoman.yahoo.invalid
Wed Mar 2 19:28:05 UTC 2005

>>> Erm... choice? <<<

>> I'm personally sure it is choice, but this is not
what I meant. I wanted to say that Voldy apparently
turned himself (by choice) into something evil. The
question I was discussing is WHAT is this something.<<

Actually, I was being a bit of a smart ass.  I thought
this was what you might've been getting at that, but
as I wasn't sure.... :-)

So you're asking, then, if he's not snake, if he's not
vampire, if he's not dementor, then what?  

To which I suppose I would ask, are we sure it's *an*
evil thing which he's turned himself into?  Could it
be a conglomerate, a unique hybrid?  [And maybe that's
what you're getting at -- you wonder about the
component parts.] 

Could it just be something JKR will not identify as a
*thing* at all... but perhaps the result of multiple
potions & spells w/o any "thing" entity in the mix at

Siriusly Snapey Susan

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