[the_old_crowd] Fun and games with Baggy

Susan Albrecht susiequsie23 at cubfanbudwoman.yahoo.invalid
Thu Mar 3 20:30:23 UTC 2005

>>One thing I'm absolutely certain of - Bagman will
turn up somewhere in the next two books - and we'll
get to see if the suspicions are justified.<<

Baggy-in-on-the-conspiracy is one of my favorite
theories.  I was heartily disappointed when he had no
role to play in Book 5.  I, too, am banking on a
spectacular return in 6 or 7.

>>Such a pity that at the end of GoF young Master
Barty gets the snogging session of a lifetime (no
tongue, please!) before anyone thinks to ask if there
were any accomplices to his vile conspiracy.  What do 
you think his answer would have been?<<

Heh heh.  Would he have said "Bagman" or would he have
said "FUDGE"?  Or *both*?

Siriusly Snapey Susan

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