Fun and games with Baggy - addendum.

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at
Thu Mar 3 20:49:28 UTC 2005

A bit extra to add to the Baggy post.
It doesn't really belong with the main theory because it's  something 
that could have happened but didn't.
Though it might explain something I highlighted in the first post.

Idly thumbing through the tome I came across Voldy's rant in the 
graveyard. He makes a comment that everybody has read but so far as I 
can find out, nobody has ever commented on. Or if they have, I can't 
find it.

"... then, of course there was the Quidditch World Cup ... I thought 
his protection might be weaker there, away from his relations and 
Dumbledore, but I was not yet strong enough to attempt to kidnap him in 
the midst of a horde of Ministry wizards." (GoF chap. 33)

Might be dodgy for Voldy, but there is at least one of his supporters 
around who doesn't mind taking a risk or two.

So just how vulnerable was Harry at the QWC?

Most vulnerable in the woods, I think. Panic, people dashing 
everywhere, Harry alone except for Ron and Hermione. Oh - and an evil 
wizard with a wand and an Invisibility Cloak lurking in the bushes. Now 
that situation fair makes one drool. What might have happened if a 
bunch of wizards hadn't turned up shooting random blasts into the 
undergrowth? *Stun*, *stun*, *stun*, pop Harry under the cloak and - 
"Master! Have I got a surprise for you!"

Nice. But a bit difficult to set up, difficult to plan for, too many 
possible variables. Though if it's someone with a lot of nerve or very 
angry.... an opportunistic moment that could have worked with a bit of 

Second most vulnerable time was in the VIP box. And this could be 
planned for - and perhaps it was, even had the groundwork laid before 
it was called off.
Harry is in a small isolated space, not overlooked, not in anyone's 
line of vision if they're watching the match. And to  escape there's no 
need to fight your way through a  crowd. Seats for 20.
OK. 19 to 1. Need to even out the odds a bit.
3 Malfoys -  they probably wouldn't interfere.
5 Students - Harry, Ron, Hermione, Gred and Forge.
1 Commentator busy with the game.
1  House Elf - who probably wouldn't fight her master's son.
1 Potential Kidnapper in an Invisibility Cloak.

Of the twenty over half are either anti-Harry or can be expected to be 
less effective wizards than full grown adults.
Now this sort of thinking would make sense as to why the Weasleys got 
so many tickets.
And who handed out the tickets that swung the odds? Bagman.

So what was the plan? A quick Confundus! on Harry with his own wand? 
"Oh look! He's overcome by the Veelas!" Big laugh, help him to the back 
of the box to recover, no-one looking, Invisibility Cloak again. Escape 
on a carpet stashed at the back of the box? I always did wonder why 
there was that conversation re: carpets in the camping ground.

Ah! What might have been!
All you need is a little imagination.


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