[the_old_crowd] HP Deeper Meanings for JKR

Catherine Coleman catorman at catorman.yahoo.invalid
Sat Mar 5 21:42:43 UTC 2005

--- Randy Estes <estesrandy at ...> wrote:

> While internet searching, I came across some sayings
> that I think influenced JKR.
> Quote #1:  "That which kills produces life, that which
> causes death causes resurrection, that which destroys
> creates."
> Quote #2:  "There is nothing to hinder a person to see
> the light except his love for the darkness."
> These are tied to some Rosecrusian sayings that are
> also tied to CORNELIUS AGRIPPA who is a real person
> who wrote about and believed in Magic in the 16th
> century.
> I think Quote #1 is the theme for the relationship
> between Voldemort and Harry (Evil and Good).  The
> circle of life idea and the Eastern theories of
> Balance come to mind.
> I think Quote #2 is the theme for the existence of
> evil ghosts but I am not sure about the friendly
> ghosts.  Perhaps fear of the light replaces love for
> the darkness in their case.
> Randy (Who tends to look for the metaphors rather than
> the character issues)

If you are interested in Rosicrucian stuff, you might be interested in the theories (nay,
religion) of Hans Rieuwers, who has created a whole belief system out of his research.  He still
has some essays in the HPFGU files:


Found under "Harry Potter - Christian Rosycross in Jeans"

and also has his own group:


His theories are a little out there for a lot of people, but interesting nonetheless.


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