Voldemort in Relgious Overtones
Randy Estes
estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Wed Mar 9 03:24:00 UTC 2005
I have been reading the posts lately about Voldemort's
efforts to stay alive and his relationship to the
Death Eater. I also read a few of the HP for Seekers
posts over the weekend.
I see some interesting parallels regarding Voldemort
and Biblical themes. Of course, the Death Eaters have
a mark on them like the Biblical "mark of the beast".
But I thought of a few other very strange parallels.
Death Eaters implies participating in eating Death.
The Church has believers consume the "body of Christ"
at communion. The followers all have a partcipation
in the eating of "Everlasting Life". I guess this is
the opposite of that.
Also, the one follower who will never return to
Voldemort harkens to the one disciple who betrayed
The one that really struck me was the idea of Tom
Riddle's diary. Voldemort was connected with the
diary or written words of Tom Riddle. IF you read the
first chapter of the Book of John in the New
Testament, it goes something like...
"In the Beginning was the word, and the word was with
God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning
with God." referring to Christ.
If you take think about it in terms of Evil and
Voldemort you could say:
"In the Beginning was the diary, and the diary was
with Tom, and the Diary was Tom. Voldemort was in the
Beginning with Tom." Referring to Tom Riddle
This is obviously a very strange analogy to the
ultimate evil guy being Godlike in reverse.
If followers must allow Voldemort into themselves this
also parallels the Christian idea that believers must
allow Christ into themselves and noone else can make
them accept him. This sounds like the situation with
Death Eaters and Voldemort. The difference is that
Voldy is born again instead of the beliver being born
again, I guess.
This is all very weird but kind of interesting.
Harry obviously resembles the Christ child in some
regards. Many others have drawn analogies in the HP
for seekers posts that I read over the weekend.
I just thought the Voldemort analogies were quite
fascinating. I don't know if this has already been
discussed before or not.
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