[the_old_crowd] _The_ Pensieve? or _A_ Pensieve?
susiequsie23 at cubfanbudwoman.yahoo.invalid
Thu Mar 10 04:17:25 UTC 2005
Something I've wondered about for a while...
Is the Pensieve that we've come to know and love the _only_ Pensieve?
Is it a singular object or may there be more of them out there?
I'm one who happens to believe that the one we see in Snape's office *is* Dumbledore's. OTOH, there's a discussion at That Other List about the US cover illustration and how, while it looks like a Pensieve, doesn't seem to quite fit the proportions of the Pensieve we've seen in previous GrandPre drawings/read in the textual description. Now, while I tend to think it is a Pensieve (in fact, *the* Pensieve we've met before -- that it's just a little artistic license in effect on the cover), there are others who think this is a new Pensieve.
Siriusly Snapey Susan
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