I'm puzzled...
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Thu Mar 10 17:29:21 UTC 2005
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "davewitley" <dfrankiswork at n...> wrote:
> about all this talk of a Pensieve. Isn't it obvious that the US
> cover shows Harry and Dumbledore looking at a Pillar of Storgé?
> David, who wants to know why his licence fee is paying for 12 hours
> of golf a day.
It's a vain attempt to make amends for the unmitigated rubbish that's
been perpetrated on the innocent viewer of late.
Farcical soap plotlines, undramatic drama, unfunny comedy and
'reality' TV as spontaneous as a Blair soundbite. Throw in the
ego-tripping of talentless twonks overdosing on delusions of
adequacy and smug self-satisfaction that has characterised the
dire Red Nose bandwaggon and they have much to make amends for.
This is a bad subject to get me started on.
However, you'll be well aware that one - nay *the* significant anagram
for 'Pillar of Storge' (ignore accent) is 'Reprisal to Golf'. Proof positive, if
proof were needed, that there's been a diabolical plot hatched to ruin my
weekend. Naturally they tried to cover it up by changing the title - ha!
As if that'd fool anyone.
Then they rub salt in the wound by depicting what is obviously a rare and
ancient example of a ball-washer on the dust-jacket.
Collusion, conspiracy and cover-up.
Have they no shame?
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