Chapter titles HBP

annemehr annemehr at
Fri Mar 11 19:18:02 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, "mooseming" <josturgess at e...> wrote:
> Chapter 6 `Draco's Detour' looks likely to occur before travelling 
> to school for the start of term.  Which is interesting as the books 
> are written from Harry's pov so how would he know? 

Who hasn't been waiting for another glimpse of Knockturn Alley? 
Here's the perfect opportunity.  Harry could see Draco ducking in
there and take it into his head to follow him (wouldn't he just?), and
then they both end up in a spot of trouble.  It'd be an echo of their
trip into the Forbidden Forest in PS/SS, too; Jo does tend to do write
that way.

It's not that they suddenly burst into heartwarming cooperation,
either; it's just that even though Harry hates Draco, he doesn't want
to see him *dead.*  Draco, of course, will stick with Harry out of
pure self-interest, and there'll be no need for silly feelings of
gratitude, no fear of that.

Meanwhile, of course, buried in all that is the valuable information
Harry needs (let's hope he's paying attention, now that he's older and

> Chapter 14 is most likely the first DADA class and so Felix is 
> probably the new teacher.
> (DADA teacher's name is a chapter title in CoS, GoF,  OotP)

Yeah, and he sounds both competent and like a man of good will.  So
where has he been for the past four years?

It's cool how you analysed the early chapters, Jo.  I hope your cold
it better.


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